joi, 19 decembrie 2013

RECENZIE/REVIEW - Burn for Burn (Burn for Burn #1) by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian

Postcard-perfect Jar Island is the kind of place where nobody locks their doors at night, where parents can sleep easy, knowing their daughters are tucked away safe and sound in their beds.

But bad things can happen, even to good girls . . . and sometimes, the only way to make things right is to do something wrong.

Lillia used to trust boys, but not anymore. Not after what happened this summer. And she’ll do whatever it takes to protect her little sister from the same fate.

Kat is over the rumors, the insults, the cruel jokes made at her expense. It all goes back to one person--her ex-best friend. Someone needs to teach her a lesson, and, with Lillia and Mary behind her, Kat feels up to the task.

Four years ago, Mary left Jar Island because of a boy. But she’s not the same girl anymore. Now that she’s got friends who have her back, he's going to be in big trouble.

Three very different girls who come together to make things right. Will they go too far?


Am decis sa o citesc, pentru ca ma intriga descrierea si coperta e chiar potrivita, insa iti dai seama de asta dupa ce citesti cartea, iar titlul chiar merge manusa cu povestea. Plus ca pe goodreads sunt doar pareri bune si te fac sa o citesti. Inainte sa ma pierd in detalii pot sa va spun ca mi-a placut cartea, m-a surprins, pentru ca desi nu trateaza un subiect nou (razbunarea) o face intr-un mod puternic, folosindu-se de personaje bine conturate, care stiu ce vor si ar face orice sa se razbune. Insa stim cu totii ca oricine are secrete, si usor aflam si cate ceva despre Mary, Kat si Lillia.

Stiu ca multi veti zice ca seamana cu alte carti sau serii ce trateaza acelasi subiect, insa va pot spune ca mie, prin felul in care e scrisa, datorita personajelor, si mai ales a felului cum totul evolueaza, mi s-a parut originala si n-am putut face altceva decat sa o citesc de la inceput si pana la sfarsit. Nu e genul  de carte pe care o poti lasa din mana, asta doar daca reusesti sa rezisti suspansului si curiozitatii, ceea ce eu n-am fost in stare sa fac. 

Mi-a placut mult faptul ca incepe usor, introducandu-ne in poveste, prezentandu-ne personajele si mai ales legaturile dintre ele, cele prezente si cele din trecut. Prin asta reusesti sa intelegi de ce fiecare din cele trei vrea sa se razbune si mai ales ajungi sa le cunosti foarte bine. Un alt fapt care mi-a placut mult la carte, e ca este scrisa din perspectiva fiecarei fete, asa ca ajungem sa vedem lucrurile prin ochii fiecaruia. La inceput mi s-a parut putin complicat sa urmaresc schimbul de "roluri", insa apoi devine usor. Fiecare din fete este unica si ajungi sa le distingi. 

Cartea este bine scrisa, plina de suspans, cu multa actiune, n-a fost niciun moment in care sa ma fi plictisit sau in care sa fi fost liniste. Caci, chiar in ciuda inceputului lent, care doar a contribuit mai bine la conturarea povestii, este o carte foarte buna, intriganta, cu personaje complexe, si pot spune ca e un volum bine construit pentru un inceput de serie/trilogie. Sincer, ma bucur ca nu e stand-alone, pentru ca vreau sa aflu mai multe despre Kat, Mary si Lillia, dar sunt si curioasa de cum vor evolua lucrurile. Caci daca ati citit cartea sau o veti citi ultima parte e foarte exploziva si chiar nebuneasca. Abia astept sa citesc volumul doi si nu vreau sa ma gandesc cat voi astepta pana apare cel de-al treilea, la anul.

Asa ca daca vreti o carte/serie interesanta, cu secrete, razbunari, viata de liceu, tineri dornici de distractie si ceva care sa va tina in priza atunci eu v-o recomand. Sigur nu veti fi dezamagiti. 



I decided to read it, because I was intrigued by the synopsis and the cover is suits the book, but you see that after you read the book; and the tittle is so appropiate. Plus, on Goodreads there are just good reviews and that make you want to read the book. So before I tell more I shoult say that I really enjoyed it, that surprised me, because even doesn't treat a new subject (revenge) make it in a powerful way, using well done characters, which know what they want and what they'll do for revenge. But we all know that anybody have secrets and easy we found out something about Mary, Kat and Lillia.
 I know many of you would say that is like other books out there or series that treat the same subject, but I can say that for me, because of how is written, because of the characters, and mainly about how everything goes, is a original book and I coulnd't do anything than read it without putting it down. Is not that kind of book that you can put down, maye if you can resist suspense and curiosity, which I couldn't.

I liked a lot the fact that it starts slowly, introducing us to the story, showing us the characters and especialy the bonds between them, the present one and the pasts one. Because of that you understant why each of the three want revenge and mainly you come to know them. Another fact that I liked about the book is that is written from three perspectives, so we can see the things from each of them perspective. At the beginning it was a little bit hard for me to follow, but after some time becomes easy. Each girl is unique and you can distinguish them.

The book is well written, full of suspense, with so much action, it wasn't a single moment when I could felt bored or when it was silence. Because, even it was slow at the beginning, which contributed to the whole plot of the story, is a very good book, intringuing, with complexe characters and I can say that is a good novel for a beginning of a series/trilogy.  I'm really happy that is not a stand-alone, because I want to know more about Kat, Mary and Lillia, and I'm so curious about how the things will go. Because, if you read the book or you'll read it, the last part is so explosive and crazy. I just can't wait to read the second one and I can't think about how I'm going to wait until the third one comes out, next year.
So, if you want an interesting book/series, with secrets and revenge, high school, and full of action then I recommend it to you.


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